Welcome to my programming blog!
I have no clue how you stumbled here, but am happy you did. In ten years from now, you will be bragging to your friends that you read the Code Climbing blog before anyone else did, before it was cool. You’ll be the most hipster of hipsters and your mom will be proud of you.
This is my personal blog. It is mine and no one else’s. I want it to be awesome of course, but also personal above that. So, I’ll only talk about things that interest me. Let’s hope the stars are aligned regarding what interests me and what interests you. More important than that, however, I hope my enthusiasm can travel through the internet, find where you live, come out of the screen screaming with a knife and kiss you on the cheeks.
So stay tuned for awesome (yes!) articles about web development and decentralised technologies. I would be happy if you learned something new reading my blog posts. I’ll share thoughts, ideas, struggles, talk about interesting technologies and tutorials.
Topics that might appear include frontend web development with React, backend web development and articles about cool interesting defi or decentralised tech like Ethereum, IPFS, bitcoin, etc…
I also enjoy actual rock climbing in addition to programming. It is a perfect analogy for our short lives in which we should always strive for more, whatever “more” might mean for you.
The goal is the write regularly so as to improve my writing chops and in so doing enrich the lives of others with interesting information and maybe even inspire you in the process. That way we can both be reaching new heights in our lives and finally get on top of that ever increasing mountain.
So come back regularly to see what’s new! Cheers!!!
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